“Christmas on Ice” fuses the classic tales of the Nutcracker, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin and The Snow Queen into a unique family show. Marie, with her living nutcracker, embarks on a new adventure with the help of characters like the Snow Queen and Aladdin to defeat the Mouse King. The story, based on the short story by Ernest Theodor Amadeus Hoffman, adapted by Alexandre Dumas and brought to ballet by Tchaikovsky and Ivanov in 1892, is presented with an ice rink and dazzling scenery. This captivating show celebrates holiday joy and love, evoking the magic of childhood and promoting hope and goodness. Christmas on Ice is an experience that will leave its mark on the hearts of the whole family, fusing classic tales with the essence of Christmas in a magical journey that will last in the memory.
LetsGo Company is responsible for the international booking of Christmas on Ice – Nutcracker. Contact us.